Where is Rugby listed?
Rugby is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange- Venture Exchange (“TSX-V”).
What is the ticker symbol?
Rugby's ticker symbol is: TSX-V Symbol: RUG
What is the CUSIP number?
Rugby's CUSIP number is . The acronym CUSIP typically refers to both the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures and the 9-character alphanumeric security identifiers that they distribute for all North American securities for the purposes of facilitating clearing and settlement of trades.
When is your fiscal year end?
Rugby's fiscal year end is February 28.
Who is Rugby's independent auditor?
Smythe Ratcliffe LLP
7th Floor 355 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 2G8
Who is Rugby's transfer agent?
510 Burrard Street, Suite 408M
Vancouver BC V6C 3B9
How do I access Rugby's regulatory filings?
You can view Rugby's regulatory filings on SEDAR (www.sedar.com)
How can I obtain an Annual Report?
You can view the document on SEDAR, or on Rugby's website. Alternatively, if you want to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report by mail, please call our Corporate Head Office.
Where can I find more comprehensive information about Rugby, its businesses and financials?
All the financial statements and MD&A’s are posted on the company website rugbymining.com
Where are your operations located?
Rugby operates in Australia, Argentina, the Philippines and Colombia. The Corporate Head Office is in Vancouver, Canada.
Given that the company has no mining operations at this stage, how is it financed?
Periodically Rugby will raise funds by way of share placements facilitated privately. The last such financing was in July 2009.
Can I buy shares directly from the company?
Shares cannot normally be purchased directly from the Company. Investors can buy shares through a recognized stock exchange.