Rugby Mining limited


Discovering World-Class Mineral Resource Deposits

Rugby Mining Limited (“Rugby”) is a Canadian public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSX-V”) under the symbol RUG. Our focus is the discovery and development of world-class gold, silver and base metal projects in safe investment jurisdictions.

In late 2010, Rugby entered into three strategic property acquisition agreements and added to its portfolio: the Mabuhay Gold Copper Project in the Philippines, the Comita Copper Gold Project in Colombia and the Interceptor Copper Gold Project in Argentina. Comita, Mabuhay and Interceptor are all exciting porphyry style targets.

Comita Mabuhay Interceptor Hawkwood

In April, 2011 Rugby commenced its inaugural drill program at Mabuhay. The initial +2,000 meter diamond drilling program will target a significant chargeable anomaly defined by a recently completed 3D Induced Polarization survey.

Our highly experienced directors and geologists have already been credited with discovering multiple world class deposits throughout their individual careers.

Detailed Project and Investor information can be found throughout this website by clicking on related tabs. If you have any further questions or comments please refer to our Contact tab to obtain details on reaching out to us.